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Agrofood (MP)

The regulatory, technological and business environment of the food and agricultural industries is evolving quickly.Regulation is shaping the approach to food production and land management. The European Commission’s Food Safety policy aims to ensure a high level of protection of human health regarding the food industry, through an integrated “from farm to fork” approach, covering all sectors of the food chain. In parallel, EU policies on land management aim to preserve the quality of the environment, together with the sustainability of rural activities in Europe.


New technologies, including precision farming, integrated farm management and biotechnologies, have the potential to improve the productivity and efficiency of agricultural activities, but this can only be achieved by industry players that are capable to successfully implement them into their business processes.Within this landscape, the food industry is called to update their business models to couple financial and environmental sustainability, while taking into account ethical issues related to the food supply and managing and fulfilling the expectations of increasingly aware consumers.


Our team includes policy experts, researchers, economists and industry specialists with extensive experience in the Agrofood sector. We have access to a wide network of scientists, researchers and experts to address specific technical issues.


We offer to our private clients support on strategy, innovation, marketing and sales, contributing to the identification of growth opportunities, within existing and new markets. Our offer includes also ad-hoc market research for Food&Beverage markets, tailored to the real strategic and operational needs of companies, as well as legal and technical advice to support the internationalization process from a regulatory stand point.


We also offer to private clients and associations support on the evaluation of the economic impact of alternative policy measures and other policy requirements.
Building upon our sectorial and methodological expertise, our work for public clients includes evaluations and impact assessments, as well as the analysis of market and environmental implications of Agrofood policies.