Our approach to Sales Network design and implementation begins with an in-depth analysis of the customer needs, the cost and revenues structure in the market, the type of products and services offered and the opportunities for enhancing the loyalty.
We reach this goal by answering the questions below, supporting the client until the network and the implementation of all the activities necessary to make it fully performing have been completed.
- What sales, distribution and communication channels will we need to design and manage over time?
- For each customer target, what degree of relationship intensity is it profitable to guarantee?
- What are the best ways of setting up and managing of, our sales network?
- How to identify and select the profiles suitable for our strategy?
- How shall we train, remunerate, motivate and reward the network?
- How to measure performance and encourage everyone’s limits to be exceeded?
- How much should we rely on digital channels and how much investment should we allocate?
- What much should we allocate to relations managed through artificial intelligence?