Professor Vicari is – together with Prof. Valdani – Founder of VVA.
His academic career has always been accompanied by Consultancy Activities, focused in particular on innovation and Strategic Marketing, Company and Brand Evaluation and Commercial Litigation. During his activity as a management consultant, Professor Vicari has supported medium, large size Italian as well as multinational companies and public administrations since 1975.
He is the author of considerable Researches and Publications, in Italy and worldwide and Member of several scientific Committee.
At the moment he is Full Professor of Management at University L. Bocconi and Head of the Institute of Technology and Innovation Management. Over the years he covered important positions within the University’s Organization including Director of the Marketing Division at SDA Bocconi, Founder and Director of the PhD program in Business Administration and Management, Head of CRITOM (Centre of Research on Innovation, Technology & Operations Management), Vice-Rector for Economic Relations and Head of the Department of Management.
Professor Vicari holds a degree in Business Administration at Bocconi University, an I.T.P Bachelor from London School of Economics and he was visiting scholar at Wharton School of Business.
He has never spent a day without reading, at least since he could remember, finding always books able to excite and inspire him; some of them have been less interesting, but in each one he has always found a seed able to generate a new fruit, big or small, in his soul.
Over the time cinema and theatre have been added to the passion for reading, which have coloured its days in a different way. The passion for the blue of the sea and sailing has gradually been joined by that one, not less intense, for the green of Golf courses.