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Transfer Pricing

VVATransfer Pricing


Transfer Pricing

Following the launch of the OECD/G20 BEPS Project, Transfer Pricing (TP) is one of the topical issues for MNEs.


The digitalisation of entire stages of corporate value chains, the increasing importance of intangibles and the difficulty of identifying and locating activities and risks attached to them, the new organisational forms overcoming the boundaries of geographies and legal entities are all pieces of the same puzzle, whose solution is alignment of substantial economic activities and value creation.


VVA Expert Opinion employs professionals who have been dealing with these issues for 20 years, applying all the economic principles required by a multidisciplinary field such as TP, from accounting to strategy, from finance to statistics, from marketing to organisation. Leveraging when needed the other Business Units of VVA Group, VVA EO experts have been involved in several TP projects for some of the most relevant MNEs at the global level, providing customised solutions and adopting state-of-the-art economic models.